Thursday, January 22, 2009

Houston Artisans 101

Note: To join Artisans of Houston, just come to a meeting! We have a form with some basic information for you to fill out, and we have a $25 annual membership fee (paid when you join, and in subsequent years in September).

Nuts and Bolts
  • This blog is for keeping track of upcoming meetings and events.
  • Team tag for ETSY shop listing is houstonartteam Nice to suggest searching the term in shop appearance. :) The Artisans tag should be added in addition to other street team tags such as teametsytx. You may find this tag used by members on other sites such as Artfire as well.
  • We meet face to face and do team emailings .To get the benefit of these things, you must participate. Other team members are willing to HELP, but are not responsible to do things for you. We are all busy adults.
  • Bring lots of business cards to the meetings to give to other team members, you are also encouraged to bring examples of your handmade items. We don't sell at our meetings, and time to share work is limited, in general done after the business meeting. A notepad is a great idea. Meetings will move to
    The Forum
    777 N Post Oak Rd
    Houston, TX 77024
    Meetings are scheduled for the 3rd Tuesday of each month to simplify planning for all of us.

It gets long, but does add information, so if you're curious...
Our group started as an Etsy team for the Houston area in the spring of 2008, but is now an independent Houston area handmade arts and crafts trade association.
  1. This blog is to keep members in touch with team news, and also to help people find our team.
  2. At the meetings (which will be posted ahead of time on this blog) we meet and greet, and discuss current business, share events for selling that are coming, bring contact information, and alert each other to ways to improve our online shops.
  3. Although we'd like for people to attend every meeting, Houston is spread over a huge geographical area. So in addition to the blog, we get people's email addresses and add them to a distribution list. Messages to remind about upcoming meetings, or vote about a topic that came up for discussion. Decisions are generally made by members attending that months meeting, rather than polling everyone.
  4. We will be meeting at The Forum,777 N Post Oak Rd, Houston, TX 77024. Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, beginning at 7 pm.
  5. New members are sent an invitation to post to this blog. Attendance of at least one face to face meeting is required for that to happen. Blog administrators reserve the right to remove that invitation for inappropriate posts. We encourage members to post, and include tags as a part of their post.
  6. Generally, we do not email to answer questions posted to this blog. We also welcome members who do not yet have an Etsy shop.
  7. Our meetings begin at 7:00 and our new location at the Forum is not a restaurant, so if you need supper at that time, feel free to bring food in to eat at the meeting. Most of us leave by around 9:00, but you can leave earlier if needed. :)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

It worked!

Cool, it worked fine. :0)

New Handmade arts site

Hi everyone,
I wanted to let you know that there's another site similar to etsy that is only for handmade items. You can see it at and my shop name there is (I hope I got that may be instead of the dot).
There's a place where I can copy and paste a "taster" of my glass onto blogs, and other sites and I want to try it here to see if it actually downloads the pictures. So bare with me if it doesn't work.

here goes...
Store not available

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Next meeting for local Mini Team February 17th

Tonight's meeting of Artisans of Houston had several first timers! We had a great time discussing some individual needs or interests. As an outgrowth of the discussion, we'll be looking for an "internet cafe" for our March meeting. If you have a laptop with wi-fi capability, be sure to bring it in March. If you don't have a laptop, but would like to learn how to do a listing, write a blog post, or other computer related task, you might want to bring along a cd with picture of item to list, or for a blog posting. If you'd like to reccommend a location with wi-fi, be sure to post a comment!

Next month, we'll be returning to Cafe Express,

- Cafe Express
- 1101 Uptown Park
- 7:00pm
- 1101 Uptown Park
- 713-963-9222
- 77056

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Next Meeting for our Mini Team

Our next Artisans of Houston meeting is Tuesday, Jan. 20 at the same restaurant:
- Cafe Express
- 7:00pm
- 1101 Uptown Park
- 713-963-9222
- 77056 - in Uptown Galleria area.

Turn on Uptown Park, then turn into the Uptown Park Center, and Cafe Express is the 2nd or 3rd bldg in center.

Don't forget to ask Pam about her daughter's wedding! ;)