Wednesday, November 26, 2008

We have a tracker now!

I have just installed a tracker on the blog, so we can keep track of visitors (in general terms, no worries on privacy). We'd like to find out if it would be worthwhile to add an RSS feed, so if you're interested leave a comment, or join the "follow this blog" thing on the side, or, I don't know... reload a lot so I can see you like looking at the page (since I know no one leaves comments). :)

Show off and tell!

I was just featured in a website as a fave & wanted to share with yall.
This may only be up a week, so if you don't get to see it you may also go to my Flickr page as I copied it there which had to be 3 pics.
The link to the website is:

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Following Widget

We discussed adding a feedburn to our blog, but need to determine our followers first. If you are following our blog, please join at the widget at the top of the sidebar. If you are local to Houston, not an artisan, but love to purchase handmade one of a kind items, following would be a great way to find out where to find us locally!

Members of Artisans Team, please join the Widget, to help us see how many "other" followers we have. ;)

Next Meeting for our Local Mini Team will be on January 20

Because Cafe Express has worked so well for the last two meetings, we have decided to meet there again in January. If you are a local etsy shop owner, or artisan interested in becoming active with our team, please join us at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, January 20th. We were able to push several tables together in the side room and have a great get together! So be sure to look around for a large group of ladies, we usually eat first and then discuss upcoming opportunities.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Uptown Park next Meeting Tuesday Evening

MapQuest is great when it is understandable. One of our etsy miniteam members shared this satellite photo to help us find Cafe Express. Thanks Shan! Tuesday, November 18th, 7:00 pm at Cafe Express. Hope you can join us if you are interested in joining Artisans of Houston a local mini team of the Etsy Texas Crafters.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Discovery Green Market Thursday Evenings

Etsy shops, Parrish Pretties and Cotton Eyed Jo have joined the vendors at Houston's Discovery Green Park for the remaining Thursdays in November and December(except Thanksgiving). Parrish Pretties took this picture, right after we set up last week.

HRBrown is in the background. Discovery Green Park is across the street from it. The market opens at 4:00 pm . With water features and a concerts scheduled for Thursday evenings, a stroll through the park may be a great time to stop by our booth for a holiday item or gift. Be sure to let us know if you saw this article on the blog! This coming Thursday evening will be the same as the Latin Grammy Awards, so you might even catch a glimpse of a favorite star! A concert by Cumbia Rock Latin Pop Revue will begin at 6:30. The rain should be gone, and a lovely warm evening to enjoy the music! We hope you'll stop by and visit with us...